Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Another Day in Berkeley, Car stuff, Work

Still working down here, though getting closer to finishing. Currently sitting in a Peet's Coffee shop hammering their Internet and having a cup of decaf so I do get ballistic on the Berkeleyites.

Finally picked up a couple of small jobs in town. Haven't had much of that in awhile.

Not much else going on right now. I have some good car show photos from the Corning car show that I have to get off my camera and onto the blog. It's a nice little car show that I like to attend. Will be heading to the Restomods in Reno show next month. I have never been to that one, so I'm looking to go. Plus the ride to Reno/Tahoe should be a fun one in the Cobra.

Need to do some repairs on the Cobra here soon. One of my door lock actuators went bad and need to replace it. Got a window motor getting bad also. And possible will be doing a clutch in the near future. Always something...


  1. The Corning Car Show was smaller than usual, but it was a good show. The weather was perfect, and your Mustang was very shiny!

    I shall be going to the Red Bluff car show this Sunday. I like that venue a good deal.

    - David

  2. I will probably stop by and check it out. Call me and I'll meet you down there.


  3. That sounds excellent. Give me your cell phone number via email. I probably have it, but to make certain, email it to me.

    - David
