Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I was out driving...

...and I decided to find something to shoot (with my Nikon). The day was nice and I found a few woodland creatures to film.

Sometimes when shooting wild animals, you get them to cooperate and sometime you don't. the deer was young, and was not too shy, the rabbit, not so much. he ran away and turned his back on me.

As always, click on the photos to enlarge.

The Spring wild flowers are blooming, and I will get some other photos of them here soon. Here is a taste until then. -Frank

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Just stuff...

Sometimes I use the internet at work. Maybe I'm a bit spoiled by my internet at home. It's not blazingly fast, but but it runs around 4-5Mb/sec. But the net at work is provided by Hughesnet. Wow, what a turd that thing is. Here is a screen shot of it on a good day! Notice the ping rate...

Click to enlarge

Here are a couple of photos that I took last year when we went to Lassen Park

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

And one of a friend John when I was messing around with zoom exposure. Trippy!

Click to enlarge

That's it for now. Back later...