Friday, April 23, 2010

I'm still here...

Okay, I'm a bad blogger. I never send anything to my blog, even though I like to see it updated on a regular basis.

Tonight, I was reading my email and got a message from an old friend and a link to a photo of him and a nice red rock cod. I wanted to send him a photo of a nice halibut I caught last year, but didn't have the photo on my notebook. so, knowing it was my blog avatar, I went over to Blogger to snag it.

Lo and behold I look at my dashboard, and see a couple of friends blogs listed that I follow (not very regularly in the recent past though) and I clicked over and read them.

My buddy John's blog, HERE always has some insightful words, mixed with his usual matter of factness. I enjoy reading it because it's real world, and frankly, I like the way he writes. Thanks John...

My other buddy Davester, HERE. What can I say, he is dedicated. He blogs everyday, always with good content, always with a good message, and a good video or two. He spends lots of time on it and it shows. Excellent blog if I say so myself. Thanks Davester!

So why make a fuss over all this. Well, after reading these two blogs I got inspired. I really enjoy blogging, but rarely think about it. I really need to change this. So, best I can do is try and get to blogging again. Hopefully, I can get back into the swing of things and make this blog into something.
