Friday, April 23, 2010

I'm still here...

Okay, I'm a bad blogger. I never send anything to my blog, even though I like to see it updated on a regular basis.

Tonight, I was reading my email and got a message from an old friend and a link to a photo of him and a nice red rock cod. I wanted to send him a photo of a nice halibut I caught last year, but didn't have the photo on my notebook. so, knowing it was my blog avatar, I went over to Blogger to snag it.

Lo and behold I look at my dashboard, and see a couple of friends blogs listed that I follow (not very regularly in the recent past though) and I clicked over and read them.

My buddy John's blog, HERE always has some insightful words, mixed with his usual matter of factness. I enjoy reading it because it's real world, and frankly, I like the way he writes. Thanks John...

My other buddy Davester, HERE. What can I say, he is dedicated. He blogs everyday, always with good content, always with a good message, and a good video or two. He spends lots of time on it and it shows. Excellent blog if I say so myself. Thanks Davester!

So why make a fuss over all this. Well, after reading these two blogs I got inspired. I really enjoy blogging, but rarely think about it. I really need to change this. So, best I can do is try and get to blogging again. Hopefully, I can get back into the swing of things and make this blog into something.



  1. Frankster,

    I highly recommend that you blog more often. I always enjoy your blog posts, and it has been far too long since you last made one! I am pleased that I inspired you to blog more regularly!

  2. Glad to see you back Frank! I like your BLOG and follow it. You have a lot to say and these days it NEEDS to be said. You post and we will read.

  3. I'm glad you think that it needs to be said. The moderators over at sure don't think so...
