Thursday, November 6, 2008

Old Glory, PT 658 and fishing

While up in Redding today, I managed to get some photos of the large flag near Interstate 5. I have always wanted to take some photos of it, and now that I have the D50....Here is one of the shots I took today.

A big thanks to all our vetrans for keeping her flying!

I was sent the link to this video from a friend today. Interesting story. Took these guys 15 years to rebuild her. Amazing!

Hope to get out for a couple of hours and do some fishing. I need to get out and have some fun and maybe get this whole election thing out of my head for awhile. With luck, we may have some good fishing photos here tomorrow.


  1. Frankster,

    The photograph and video are good. I am pleased that you are enjoying your new camera.

    I hope your fishing is very successful!

    - David

  2. Thanks David. I wanted to embed the video in the body of the post, but without using a gadget, I couldn't figure out how to do it. Probably have to edit the template to do so.
